Saturday, January 30, 2010

McCarthy vs. Worsley Interview

"He makes his face look like Jacob Zuma"

These are two of the most talented guys on the SABA Tour at the moment and two of the funniest. Whenever you spend time with one of them searching for waves you'll laugh all day. But when they both team up on a trip then you're guaranteed to be sore from giggling the next day. I think it’s the competitive drive as well as the love of waves and having fun that ensures anyone around them is giggling at their constant attacks on each other. And if you hang around laughing too long you will definately be dragged into the action.
So if you're ‘comebacks’ aren’t up to scratch keep a safe distance or maybe just read this interview…

"What are you better than him at?
- Controlling my Facebook..."

If I had to make a glossary for you to refer too when one of their quips seems random we would be here all day, so I’ll just give you one clue to help you get there. When they constantly mention anything to do with “Cutting Onions” think what happens to you when you cut onions.

Daniel Worsley
Age: 23
Weight: 65
Height: 171 cm (I’m a carpenter, I work in centimeters)
Reach: McCarthy's face
How are you? Oh I’m just great. How are you?

"Mark stop riding gold boards!"

You know that this is the McCarthy vs. Worsley interview so is there anything you would like to get off your chest?
Just when I though I was too old to peruse a Bodyboarding career, I saw a “has been” (or should I say a “ has never been”) who is way to old, become top 5 in the world. If that's possible, then anything is. Thanks Mark, you've opened my eyes

What are you better than him at?
Controlling my Facebook,
Bodyboarding, this list is going to go on forever, can't you just ask me what I’m not better than him at? ;)

Why are you better than he is?
Well, you couldn't get much worse...
Plus his ex girlfriend just dumped him for a guy who owns an island in Australia so he's pretty vulnerable right now.
Just give him time and he'll be back on his game.

What’s your favorite thing about him?
How he makes his face look like Jacob Zuma on land, (hehehehe)

What’s your worst thing about him?
How he makes his style look like Uri Valado in the water.

Why did you decide to hang around at SA Champs last year after being knocked out?
Haha, to find out the true story about Mark and Jocelyn. Believe me, it was worth sticking around for.

What have you learnt anything from each other?
How to cut onions.
How to watch each others back (especially in Backline)

Do you have any advice for him?
Come on Mark, it's been so long now, just get over her and move on.
You must also move on from your rebound girl, Suzie is now married.
Stop working in the onion factory, and stop riding gold boards.
Phil me up!

Stay tuned for Marks side of the'll be up soon!

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